Product Case Study

Step 1: Estimating the Total Number of Unacademy App Users
Unacademy, like UpGrad, targets students and professionals interested in learning new skills. Suppose we make similar assumptions as we did for UpGrad, with a potential base of 50 million users.
Step 2: Active Users
Again, assuming that 15% of these potential users become active users, we get 7.5 million active users.
Step 3: Daily Video Content Consumption
Unacademy is a platform where users primarily consume video content for learning. Let's say an active user watches about 1 hour of content daily on average. This could be a 1-hour lecture or multiple shorter videos that add up to about an hour.
Therefore, we can estimate that about 7.5 million hours of video content are consumed on Unacademy daily.