How can you improve Discord for new users?


Product Case Study

Describe the Product

As a new user, you can think of Discord as a platform that allows you to create or join various "servers." These servers are like virtual rooms dedicated to specific topics or communities, such as gaming, music, art, or any other interest you can imagine. Each server has its own group of people who come together to chat, share ideas, and engage in activities related to that topic.

Once you join a server, you can participate in conversations by sending messages, sharing photos or videos, and even joining voice or video calls with other members. It's a place where you can meet new friends, ask questions, seek advice, or simply have fun interacting with like-minded individuals.

Discord also offers features like private messaging, so you can have one-on-one conversations with other members. This can be useful for connecting with specific individuals or discussing topics privately. Discord can also be used for organizing and coordinating events.

Clarifying Questions

Onboarding Process:

  • How is the current onboarding process for new users? Is it intuitive and easy to understand?
  • Are there any specific pain points or challenges that new users face during the onboarding process?
  • What are the key steps or actions we want new users to take when they first join Discord?

User Guidance and Education:

  • What resources or guidance do we provide to new users to help them navigate and understand Discord's features?
  • Do we have tutorials, tooltips, or other educational materials to help new users get started?
  • Are there any areas where new users commonly get confused or have difficulty understanding how to use certain features?

Discoverability of Communities:

  • How do new users find communities (servers) that match their interests?
  • Are there any challenges in discovering and joining communities relevant to their preferences?
  • Do we provide recommendations or personalized suggestions for communities that might interest new users?

Community Engagement:

  • How do we encourage new users to actively engage and participate in communities?
  • Are there any barriers or factors that discourage new users from joining conversations or contributing content?
  • Do we provide features or prompts to help new users break the ice and start interacting with others?

User Support and Assistance:

  • What support mechanisms do we have in place to assist new users with any questions or issues they encounter?
  • Are there any common support inquiries or pain points that new users experience?
  • How can we improve the accessibility and responsiveness of user support channels for new users?

User Retention and Long-Term Engagement:

  • What strategies or features can be implemented to encourage new users to continue using Discord and stay engaged over time?
  • Are there any retention challenges specific to new users that need to be addressed?
  • How can we provide ongoing value and keep new users connected within their communities?

Define the Goal

The primary objectives can include:

  • User Onboarding
  • Community Discovery
  • Engagement and Interaction
  • User Support and Assistance
  • Long-Term Retention

Identify User Segments

The user segments of Discord for new users can include:

Gamers: Gamers form a significant user segment on Discord. They use the platform to connect with fellow gamers, join gaming communities, discuss game strategies, organize multiplayer sessions, and share gaming-related content.

Artists and Creators: This segment consists of artists, designers, musicians, and content creators who utilize Discord to showcase their work, collaborate with others, receive feedback, and engage with a community of like-minded individuals.

Hobbyists and Enthusiasts: This segment comprises individuals with specific hobbies or interests such as photography, writing, cooking, fitness, or any other passion. They join relevant communities on Discord to interact, exchange ideas, share experiences, and seek advice.

Professional Communities: Professionals from various industries, such as technology, marketing, entrepreneurship, and more, use Discord to connect with peers, discuss industry trends, share insights, network, and seek career-related guidance.

Academic and Educational Groups: Students, educators, and researchers utilize Discord as a platform for virtual classrooms, study groups, academic discussions, and knowledge sharing. It provides a space for learning, collaboration, and support in educational pursuits.

Social and Support Groups: This segment includes individuals seeking social connections, emotional support, or discussions on specific topics like mental health, LGBTQ+ communities, or personal development. Discord offers a platform for building supportive communities and fostering conversations.

Interest-Based Communities: There are various interest-based communities on Discord, such as music lovers, book clubs, film enthusiasts, sports fans, and more. These communities bring together individuals who share a common interest or hobby.

List the Pain Points

Here are some common pain points that users in different segments may experience when using Discord as new users:


  • Difficulty finding and joining active gaming communities relevant to their preferred games or genres.
  • Challenges in coordinating and organizing multiplayer gaming sessions within communities.
  • Lack of clarity on how to navigate gaming-specific features, such as voice channels or screen sharing.

Artists and Creators:

  • Limited visibility or discoverability of creative communities or channels related to their specific art forms.
  • Inconvenience in sharing and showcasing their work effectively within Discord's interface.
  • Limited collaboration tools or features for creative projects.

Hobbyists and Enthusiasts:

  • Difficulty finding and joining communities dedicated to their specific hobbies or interests.
  • Lack of engagement or active discussions within some communities.
  • Limited access to relevant resources or guides for learning and development in their hobby.

Professional Communities:

  • Challenges in discovering and joining professional communities specific to their industry or field of interest.
  • Limited networking opportunities or difficulty connecting with like-minded professionals.
  • Insufficient organization or categorization of professional channels or resources.

Academic and Educational Groups:

  • Lack of intuitive features or tools for conducting virtual classrooms or study groups.
  • Difficulty in finding and joining educational communities relevant to their subjects or courses.
  • Insufficient moderation and management features for maintaining productive academic discussions.

Social and Support Groups:

  • Challenges in finding and joining supportive communities that align with their specific needs or identities.
  • Lack of privacy or security measures for sensitive or personal conversations.
  • Limited access to professional guidance or mental health resources within the platform.

Interest-Based Communities:

  • Difficulty discovering and joining communities dedicated to their specific interests or hobbies.
  • Lack of engaging content or discussions within some interest-based communities.
  • Insufficient tools or features to organize events or activities related to their interests.

List the solutions to the identified pain points

Here are some potential solutions to address the pain points identified for Discord for new users:


  • Improve community discovery with better search and recommendation algorithms based on gaming interests and preferences.
  • Implement features to simplify the organization and scheduling of multiplayer gaming sessions within communities.
  • Provide clear and user-friendly tutorials or tooltips for gaming-specific features like voice channels and screen sharing.

Artists and Creators:

  • Enhance the visibility and discoverability of creative communities and channels through improved categorization and search functionality.
  • Develop dedicated features for showcasing and sharing artwork, such as image galleries or portfolios.
  • Introduce collaboration tools and integrations with creative software to facilitate collaborative projects within communities.

Hobbyists and Enthusiasts:

  • Improve community discovery by expanding the range of interests and hobbies available for browsing and joining.
  • Implement features to encourage engagement, such as discussion prompts or regular themed events within communities.
  • Curate and provide comprehensive resource libraries and guides for various hobbies and interests.

Professional Communities:

  • Enhance community discovery by introducing industry-specific tags and filters for more targeted search results.
  • Facilitate networking by integrating professional profiles, allowing users to showcase their skills and connect with others.
  • Provide tools for organizing and managing professional events, workshops, or webinars within communities.

Academic and Educational Groups:

  • Develop dedicated features for virtual classrooms, including attendance tracking, assignment submission, and screen sharing capabilities.
  • Improve community discovery by partnering with educational institutions or promoting verified academic communities.
  • Provide moderation tools and guidelines specifically tailored for academic discussions to maintain a productive learning environment.

Social and Support Groups:

  • Enhance community discovery by introducing tags or categories specifically for support groups and communities.
  • Implement privacy and security features, such as private group settings or end-to-end encryption for sensitive conversations.
  • Partner with professional organizations or experts to offer resources and guidance within support communities.

Interest-Based Communities:

  • Expand the range of interest categories and provide curated recommendations based on user preferences.
  • Implement features to encourage engagement, such as discussion prompts, polls, or weekly challenges within interest-based communities.
  • Introduce event organization tools for community leaders to schedule and promote activities related to specific interests.

Use Prioritization Metrics to prioritize the solutions according to factors such as feasibility and ease of usage

Let's use the MOSCOW prioritization framework to prioritize the solutions for Discord for new users:


  • Improve community discovery with better search and recommendation algorithms based on gaming interests and preferences.
  • Enhance the visibility and discoverability of creative communities and channels through improved categorization and search functionality.
  • Develop dedicated features for virtual classrooms, including attendance tracking, assignment submission, and screen sharing capabilities.


  • Implement features to simplify the organization and scheduling of multiplayer gaming sessions within communities.
  • Provide clear and user-friendly tutorials or tooltips for gaming-specific features like voice channels and screen sharing.
  • Enhance the community discovery by introducing industry-specific tags and filters for more targeted search results.


  • Implement privacy and security features, such as private group settings or end-to-end encryption for sensitive conversations.
  • Introduce collaboration tools and integrations with creative software to facilitate collaborative projects within communities.
  • Expand the range of interest categories and provide curated recommendations based on user preferences.

Won't-Have (at least for now):

  • Develop dedicated features for showcasing and sharing artwork, such as image galleries or portfolios.
  • Facilitate networking by integrating professional profiles, allowing users to showcase their skills and connect with others.
  • Introduce event organization tools for community leaders to schedule and promote activities related to specific interests.

Define Metrics to measure the performance

User Engagement:

  • Active Users: Measure the number of active users on the platform, indicating the level of user engagement and adoption.
  • Time Spent on Platform: Track the average time users spend on Discord, indicating their level of interest and involvement.
  • Community Participation: Measure the frequency and depth of user participation within communities, such as the number of messages sent, reactions, and interactions.

User Satisfaction and Feedback:

  • User Surveys: Conduct periodic surveys to gather feedback on user satisfaction, feature preferences, and areas of improvement.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): Measure users' likelihood to recommend Discord to others, indicating overall satisfaction and advocacy.

User Onboarding and Retention:

  • Conversion Rate: Track the percentage of new users who successfully complete the onboarding process and join communities.
  • Churn Rate: Monitor the rate at which new users leave Discord, indicating the effectiveness of onboarding and user retention strategies.
  • Activation Rate: Measure the rate at which new users engage with key features or perform desired actions after joining Discord.

Community Health and Growth:

  • Community Growth Rate: Track the growth of active communities and the number of new communities created over time.
  • Community Engagement: Measure the level of activity within communities, such as the number of active members, discussions, and content shared.
  • Retention Rate within Communities: Monitor the rate at which users continue to actively participate and engage within the communities they join.

Feature Adoption and Usage:

  • Feature Adoption Rate: Measure the percentage of users who adopt and use specific features introduced as part of the solutions.
  • Feature Usage: Track the frequency and depth of feature usage, such as the number of gaming sessions scheduled or creative projects collaborated on.

Support and Issue Resolution:

  • Response Time: Measure the average time taken to respond to user queries or issues, ensuring timely support.
  • Issue Resolution Rate: Track the percentage of user issues or complaints that are successfully resolved, indicating the effectiveness of support efforts.

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