
Affinity diagram

Definition of

Affinity diagram

Affinity diagram is a tool used to organize ideas and data into related groups.

Detailed Description of

Affinity diagram

An Affinity diagram is a tool used in product management to organize and group ideas, data, or other items into related categories. It is a visual representation of the relationships between different elements and can be used to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. The process involves collecting data or ideas from stakeholders and then grouping them into related categories. This helps to identify common themes and prioritize tasks. The affinity diagram can also be used to identify potential solutions to problems or opportunities for improvement. It is an effective way of organizing information in order to make decisions quickly and efficiently.

Examples of

Affinity diagram

1. Grouping: Group related ideas together to identify patterns and relationships. 2. Categorizing: Place items into categories based on their similarities and differences. 3. Clustering: Create clusters of related items to better understand the data. 4. Prioritizing: Rank items in order of importance or relevance to the project or goal. 5. Brainstorming: Generate ideas and solutions by brainstorming with a group of people. 6. Mapping: Create visual diagrams to illustrate relationships between ideas or concepts.

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