
Card sorting

Definition of

Card sorting

Card sorting is a user-centered design technique used to help organize information and create navigation systems.

Detailed Description of

Card sorting

Card sorting is a user-centered design technique used to help organize information and create navigation systems for websites, mobile apps, and other products. It involves having users group related items into categories that make sense to them. This helps product managers understand how users think about the product and how they would like to navigate it. Card sorting can be done in two ways: open card sorting and closed card sorting. Open card sorting is when users are given a set of cards with labels on them and asked to group them into categories that make sense to them. This allows product managers to gain insight into how users think about the product and what kind of navigation system they would prefer. Closed card sorting is when users are given a set of cards with labels on them, but they are also given predetermined categories that they must use to group the cards. This helps product managers understand how users think about the product in relation to existing categories or navigation systems. Card sorting can be used in conjunction with other user-centered design techniques such as interviews, surveys, usability testing, and focus groups to gain a better understanding of user needs and preferences. It can also be used as part of an iterative design process where changes are made based on user feedback.

Examples of

Card sorting

1. Open Card Sort: In an open card sort, participants are given a set of cards with topics or items written on them and asked to organize them into groups that make sense to them. 2. Closed Card Sort: In a closed card sort, participants are given a set of cards with topics or items written on them and asked to organize them into pre-defined categories. 3. Tree Test: A tree test is similar to a card sort, but instead of sorting cards into groups, participants are asked to find specific items within a hierarchical structure. 4. Reverse Card Sort: A reverse card sort is the opposite of a traditional card sort in which participants are given pre-defined categories and asked to place items into the appropriate category.

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