
MAU: Monthly active user

Definition of

MAU: Monthly active user

MAU is a metric used to measure the number of unique users who have interacted with a product or service in a given month.

Detailed Description of

MAU: Monthly active user

Monthly active users (MAU) is a metric used in product management to measure the number of unique users who have interacted with a product or service within a given month. It is an important metric for product managers to track, as it provides insight into user engagement and usage patterns. MAU can be used to measure the success of a product launch, identify areas of improvement, and compare usage across different platforms or versions. Additionally, MAU can be used to inform decisions about pricing, marketing campaigns, and feature development.

Examples of

MAU: Monthly active user

Example: A social media platform has 1 million registered users. Of those 1 million users, 500,000 are considered monthly active users (MAU). This means that 500,000 of the 1 million registered users have logged in and used the platform within the last month. MAU is a key metric for understanding user engagement and loyalty on a platform.

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