
User flow diagram

Definition of

User flow diagram

A user flow diagram is a visual representation of the steps a user takes to complete a task on a website or application.

Detailed Description of

User flow diagram

User flow diagrams are a type of product management tool used to visualize the steps a user takes when interacting with a product or service. They are used to identify areas of improvement and to help inform decisions about how to optimize the user experience. User flow diagrams typically include elements such as user tasks, navigation paths, and decision points. They can also include information about user goals, preferences, and behaviors. User flow diagrams are often used in conjunction with other product management tools such as customer journey maps and personas. By combining these tools, product managers can gain a better understanding of how users interact with their products and services, allowing them to make more informed decisions about how to improve the user experience.

Examples of

User flow diagram

1. User Flow Diagram for Signing Up for a Website: Start → Enter Email Address → Enter Password → Confirm Password → Submit → Verify Email Address → Create Profile End 2. User Flow Diagram for Shopping Online: Start → Select Product → Add to Cart → Checkout → Enter Shipping Information → Select Payment Method → Confirm Order Details → Place Order End

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