Ola’s number of rides completed have dropped by 15%


Product Case Study

Understand the Issue

Begin by confirming that the 15% drop pertains to the "number of rides completed" as the primary metric in question.

Identify the Type and Timeframe of the Drop

Determine whether the decline occurred suddenly or gradually. In the case of a sudden drop, efforts should be made to pinpoint the specific timing. For a gradual decrease, investigate any discernible trends or patterns over time.

Analyze Internal Factors

Explore potential internal factors contributing to the issue:

  • Technical Issues: Investigate recent app updates or server problems that may have disrupted the service. Assess whether new features introduced recently are causing any operational disruptions.
  • Operational Factors: Examine driver availability, geographical distribution, and any driver-related issues, such as incentive changes, payment problems, or strikes.
  • Policy Changes: Evaluate the impact of alterations in ride pricing, cancellation policies, or service areas on ride completion rates.
  • Service Quality: Monitor customer feedback for any increase in complaints regarding service quality, cleanliness, safety, or driver behavior, as these factors can influence ride completion.

Analyze External Factors

Consider potential external factors affecting the situation:

  • Competitive Landscape: Assess whether aggressive promotions from competitors have led to customer migration.
  • Regulatory Environment: Examine the impact of changes in regulations or legal matters on Ola's operations.
  • Market Conditions: Gauge the influence of economic conditions, customer sentiments, or seasonal factors on ride demand.
  • Local Events: Investigate whether significant local events, such as festivals, concerts, or sports games, have temporarily affected ride demand.

Investigate Relational KPI Drops

Explore whether other related key performance indicators (KPIs) have experienced declines, such as new user sign-ups, app installations, or customer engagement metrics. This broader analysis can provide additional insights into the underlying issue.

Formulate a Response Strategy

Based on the comprehensive analysis, develop a strategic plan. Internal issues may necessitate coordination with the technology, operations, or customer service teams for resolution. External issues may require strategic decisions, such as marketing initiatives, partnership negotiations, or policy reviews.


Ensure transparent communication with all stakeholders. Keep them informed about the issue, the actions being taken to address it, and the expected timeline for resolution. Effective communication is crucial for maintaining trust and confidence during this process.

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