How many orders does Zomato fulfill on a typical Saturday in Delhi?


Product Case Study

Estimating the number of orders Zomato fulfills on a typical Saturday in Delhi involves a series of assumptions and calculations. We could adopt a unique approach by using population density and behavioral pattern as our main factors.

Consider Delhi's population and density

Delhi, the capital of India, is also one of its most densely populated cities. As of my last knowledge update, Delhi had a population of about 30 million.

Assume a proportion of the population that orders food online

Online food delivery services are popular in Delhi, but not everyone uses them. Let's say that about 10% of the population orders food online. That gives us 3 million potential online food orderers.

Factor in Zomato's market share

Zomato is a significant player in the online food delivery market but it has competitors. As of my last update, let's say Zomato holds approximately 50% of the online food delivery market in Delhi. This implies around 1.5 million potential Zomato customers in Delhi.

Consider the behavioral pattern

People are more likely to order food on weekends, especially Saturday. But not everyone would order on a given Saturday. Let's say around 20% of the potential Zomato customers might place an order on a typical Saturday. This gives us 300,000 orders.

Account for multiple orders

However, a person might place more than one order on a Saturday, say for lunch and dinner. If we assume that each customer places 1.5 orders on average, we would have a total of 450,000 orders (300,000 * 1.5).

Hence, the estimated number of orders Zomato fulfills on a typical Saturday in Delhi is around 450,000 orders.

This is a unique approach where the population density of the city and the behavioral pattern of customers on a weekend are given higher priority. This method, however, like any estimation method, is based on multiple assumptions and the actual number could be significantly higher or lower based on several other factors

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